Advanced Instructor – Offshore Survival Training Program (AI-OSTP)

Course Outline
The purpose of the Advanced Instructor – Offshore Survival Training Program (AI-OSTP) is to ensure that individuals delivering safety and survival training are aware of, and have integrated, relevant knowledge (e.g., human performance research, industry best practices) into their instructional approach.
Further, this program is designed to better prepare instructors for the delivery of material in such a manner as to enhance skill development and retention. The primary objective of the AI-OSTP is to increase a survival instructor’s knowledge with regard to human performance in harsh environments (e.g., skill acquisition, decision making, emergency response, underwater egress, sea survival, etc…).
Additionally, the program is designed to provide instructors with enough theoretical knowledge that they can critically analyze the available training guidelines and relevant research findings in an objective manner as well as have the skills to develop enhanced alternatives that are based in/support by empirically tested techniques.
Means of Delivery: The AI-OSTP consists of an online component (Helicopter Ditching & Survival Training Program – HDSTP) and also instructor lead training sessions via ZOOM. The HDSTP is a prerequisite to complete the AI-OSTP. There is also a practical assessment.
Program Facilitator: Dr Michael Taber (Author of the book “Handbook of Offshore Helicopter Transport Safety – Essentials of Underwater Egress and Survival.”
Enquiries: Please contact Dr Taber directly for more information on this bespoke training program.
Email: or
Price: US$1000 / instructor (Group discounts are available)
Target Group – Instructors delivering safety and survival training.
Module 1 – Introduction
Module 2 – Primary Risk Controls
Module 3 – Crashworthiness and Protective Equipment
Module 4 – Examination of Ditching Events
Module 5 – Ditching as a Process
Module 6 – Personal Life Saving Equipment
Module 7 – EGRESS
Module 8 – The 4 Phases of Cold-water Immersion
Module 9 – Search and Rescue
Module 10 – The Provision of appropriate care
Offshore Accident Case Study 1 – Controlled Ditching
Offshore Accident Case Study 2 – Autorotation
Offshore Accident Case Study 3 – Controlled to Uncontrolled Ditching
Offshore Accident Case Study 4 – Catastrophic Mechanical Failure
Reading List and Resources
Contact us today
Course Outline
This Heliport Design and Inspection training program has been developed in accordance of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Annex 14, Aerodromes, Part II, Heliports.
Chapter 1. General Chapter 2. Heliport data Chapter 3. Physical characteristics Chapter 4. Obstacle environment Chapter 5. Visual aids
Means of Delivery: This Program consists of 3 Levels: A) Online with assessments, B) Instructor-Lead Session by Subject Matter Expert and C) Remote / Virtual practical assessment.
Enquiries: Please contact us today for more details (Complete the form below or email
Price 1: US$1,500 / Participant (Online Only)
Price: US$3,000 / Participant (Onsite with Instructor)