Crew Resource Management (CRM) – Refresher

Course Outline
CRM is the study of human error in air disasters. The Cranfield CRM Refresher course reviews the primary CRM principles, but also add new skills, concepts and perspectives each year. CRM Volume 22 again focusses on the threats that are evident as a result of the global Covid-19 Pandemic and it’s effect on Aviation personnel, and specifically Flight Crew.
Price: US$90
Module 1 – Introduction and CRM Review
Module 2 – Operating Procedures
Module 3 – Cockpit Interruptions and Distractions
Module 4 – Managing Startle Response
Module 5 – Informed Decision-making
Module 6 – Resilience and Optimism
Module 7 – Mind-Body Control and Pain Management
Module 8 – Aircraft Accidents during the Pandemic
CRM Vol 22 Downloadable Handouts
Module Complete