Exposed Worker–Level 3
Course Outline
Target Audience:
Level 3 Exposed Workers who could be exposed to even higher annual doses, and potentially exposed to higher radiological risks, including alpha contamination risk, neutron irradiation, criticality, and may work in nuclear fuel cycle facilities and high-energy accelerators.
Program Overview:
Level 3 Exposed Workers in this session, will therefore be exposed to a more advanced level of training, including neutron radiation, criticality, alpha contamination detection, and prevention. They would be workers operating in a nuclear reactor, technicians operating high-activity sealed sources, radiotherapy installations operators.
Program Outline
At the end of the 4-hour Training Program, the learner will be able to: Discharge duties in the Organization, in presence of ionizing radiation sources.
1- Work safely in presence of ionizing radiation
- Safely execute work activities in the presence of ionizing radiation
- Identify and use protective measures (time, distance, shielding) to keep external exposure risks as low as reasonably achievable
- Identify and use protective measures to keep internal exposure risks as low as reasonably achievable
- Collaborate with others, to maintain a safe and controlled radiation work environment
- Apply work policies, procedures, and instructions related to Radiation Protection
- Wear appropriate dosimeters while working in presence of ionizing radiation
2. Use protective equipment against ionizing radiation
- Use protective equipment against ionizing radiation
- Wear personal protective equipment, when instructed to, according to approved Organization’s instructions
- Remove personal protective equipment, according to approved Organization’s instructions
- Collaborate with others to safely dispose of radioactive materials, including dubious materials
- Collaborate in identifying and declaring situations which can compromise the Radiation Protection of Workers in the Organization
3. Operate safely radiation sources
- Operate safely radiation machines according to Organization’s instructions and procedures
- Operate safely radioactive sources, ensuring to minimize the risk of dispersion of radioactivity
Price: US$350